Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris (Xcc) is an economically important bacterial plant pathogen worldwide causing black rot disease that devastates many cultivated cruciferous crops, producing V-shaped necrotic lesions on the foliar margins and blackened veins
Causal organism : Xanthomonas campestris pv. vesicatoria (Pammel) Dowson
Damage symptoms:
- Leaves, fruits and stems are affected
- Lesions on leaf begin as circular, water soaked spots
- Spots become necrotic with brown center with chlorotic borders
- Enlarged spots may develop straw coloured centres
- Lesions are slightly raised on lower leaf surface
- Severely spotted leaves turn yellow and drop
- Raised brown lesions appear on fruits
- Narrow elongated lesions or streaks may develop on stems
Survival and spread:
- Primary: Seed borne bacterial cells
- Secondary: Bacterial cells spread by rain splash
Favourable conditions:
- Moderate temperature
- High relative humidity
- Intermittent rains