The Chilli Market, among the largest in Asia, witnessed its highest-ever turnover in the 2022-23 fiscal year, with sales exceeding Rs 2,000 crore. This marks the third consecutive year the market has achieved a turnover of Rs 2,000 crore, but this year's figure is the highest yet.
During the 2022-23 period, the Agricultural Produce Market Committee (APMC) received 9,90,552 quintals of chilli, resulting in a turnover of Rs 2,281 crore. Interestingly, despite receiving 15,84,878 quintals in the previous year, the turnover was Rs 2,046 crore due to lower prices.
Sources indicate that the APMC aimed for an income of Rs 13.5 crore through taxes and cess, but it actually earned Rs 13.69 crore during the 2022-23 period, compared to Rs 12.27 crore in the previous season. Revenue from sales at the Byadagi chilli market in Haveri comfortably exceeded the state government's conservative target. As of April 17, the market had recorded a turnover of Rs 2,638 crore and earnings of Rs 15.83 crore.