The Karnataka State Spices Development Board (KSSDB) is all set to host the 13th Red Chilli Mela for the 2024-25 season. Scheduled from January 31 to February 2, this vibrant event will take place at the Multipurpose Exhibition Center in Amargol APMC, Hubballi.
Promoting Direct Sales and Knowledge Sharing
According to managing director BR Girish, the mela’s primary aim is to facilitate the direct sale of red chillies and strengthen the connection between growers and consumers. Additionally, the event serves as a platform for growers, consumers, and scientists to come together and exchange knowledge. Recent advancements in chilli farming and research will also be shared with attendees, enhancing the growers' expertise.
A Record of Growing Success
The Red Chilli Mela has witnessed remarkable growth over the years:
2018-19: Turnover of Rs 65 lakh
2019-20: Turnover of Rs 77 lakh
2022-23: Turnover of Rs 1.1 crore
2023-24: Turnover of Rs 1.3 crore
This year, the organizers are targeting a record turnover of Rs 1.5 crore. To achieve this, extensive campaigns have been conducted across all taluks and the Hubballi-Dharwad twin cities using wall posters, handbills, and loudspeaker announcements via autorickshaws.
How to Participate
Red chilli growers in Dharwad who are interested in joining the mela can contact their respective taluk’s horticulture office or the KSSDB office at Nekar Bhavan, Vidyanagar, Hubballi, for more details.
Join the Celebration of Red Chillies
The 13th Red Chilli Mela promises to be an enriching experience for growers, traders, and spice enthusiasts alike. Don’t miss this opportunity to explore the finest red chillies and gain insights into the latest advancements in chilli farming. Mark your calendars and be part of this exciting event!